среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Vic: Coalition launches massive police numbers boost

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Coalition launches massive police numbers boost

Victorians will be promised an extra 16 hundred police over the next four years ..

if the Coalition wins November's state election.

Opposition Leader TED BAILLIEU will announce a 400 million dollar policy he says will
revolutionise policing by boosting police numbers by about 14 per cent.

The Age newspaper says the move is a bid to seize the election agenda .. and exploit
people's fears of rising violent crime rates.

Mr BAILLEAU's quoted police figures showing assaults up by almost 70 per cent .. and
crimes against the person up more than 40 per cent over the 10 years of the Bracks-Brumby

The government says Victoria is still the safest state in Australia.

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