среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

St. Louis truly the gateway to better living

I read the July 31 letter to the editor headlined "Ignoringreality" about the Chicago area's extremely high property taxproblems. High taxes are a fact of life in Illinois, period. When therent or house payments become too high, consider moving to St. Louis.

I am serious. I have co-workers who live in Illinois, and I cringewhen they say what their property and vehicle taxes are. My propertytaxes are just more than $600 per year. I know people who pay aslittle as $300, and more than $1,200. My husband and I own a lovely90-year-old Victorian house; solid brick, oak floors throughout,large lot, bay window, friendly neighbors. I live two blocks from abeautiful and large …

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